TabsPublications(active tab)QualificationsResearchCVPublicationsBooks S El-Ashker. Atlas Sports Dictionary. (2014). Atlas Publishing & Media Production 1, 360 Refereed Journal Articles S El-Ashker, JM Allardyce, BP Carson. (2019) Sex-related differences in joint-angle-specific hamstring-to-quadriceps function following fatigue European journal of sport science, 1-9 S El-Ashker, A Hassan, R Taiar, M Tilp, (2019). Long jump training emphasizing plyometric exercises is more effective than traditional long jump training: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise 14 (1), 215-224 S El-Ashker, H Chaabene, Y Negra, O Prieske, U Granacher (2018). Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Responses Following a Simulated 3× 3 Minutes Amateur Boxing Contest in Elite Level Boxers. Sports 6 (4), 119 S El-Ashker (2018). The impact of a boxing training program on physical fitness and technical performance effectiveness. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 18 (2), 926-932 S El-Ashker, BP Carson, F Ayala, MDS Croix (2017). Sex-related differences in joint-angle-specific functional hamstring-to-quadriceps strength ratios Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 25 (3), 949-957 17 A EL-ASHKER, S EL-ASHKER (2015). Cardiopulmonary effects of using mouthguards during medium and high intensities in elite Egyptian boxing athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (1), 15-19 S El Ashker, M Nasr (2012). Effect of boxing exercises on physiological and biochemical responses of Egyptian elite boxers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 12 (1), 111 - 116 (2012). Technical performance effectiveness subsequent to complex motor skills training in young boxers. European Journal of Sport Science 12 (6), 475-484 S El Ashker (2011). Technical and tactical aspects that differentiate winning and losing performances in boxing. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 11 (2), 356-364 W El Ansari, S El Ashker, L Moseley (2010). Associations between physical activity and health parameters in adolescent pupils in Egypt. International journal of environmental research and public health 7 (4), 1649-1669 Qualifications Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Physical Education, Athletic Training, Mansoura University, Egypt & University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom 2010. Master’s degree (MSc) in Physical Education, Athletic Training, Mansoura University, Egypt. Bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in Physical Education, Athletic Training, Mansoura University, Egypt. Research CV Dr. Saeed gamil alashker's CV ShareFacebook Twitter Email PrintFriendly