Course Description
This thesis is designed for students to put in practice what they have learned theoretically in research methods. The research work will comprise of 15000 - 30000 words culminating in a minor thesis, which is normally completed in 15 weeks.
Course Objectives
- Demonstrate ability to satisfy the requirements necessary to complete a minor thesis
- Carry out a viable academic research under supervision
- Identify research trend and research gaps in their areas of expertise based on analysis and synthesis of literature.
- Develop research questions to address a research gap.
- Design a research methodology required to answer the research questions.
- Apply academic, business and statistical analytical on their research data.
- Demonstrate ability to write-up dissertation and produce publishable manuscript.
Course ID: MGMT 696
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
6 | - | - |