Course Main Objective
At end of the course, student will be able to Identify the importance of agriculture activity and its position among the other economic activities and further analyze the different natural and human components which affect the agricultural and animal production; explain evolution of farming craft and the agricultural types and the differences of geographic distribution regarding types of agriculture as well as assessment of models of crop yields in local and world environments.
Course Learning Outcomes
- 1. Knowledge and Comprehension
- 1.1 Define agriculture activities and the prevailing agricultural types around the world and their relation to the different branches of geography.
- 2. Skills
- 2.1 Differentiate among the human factors affecting the agricultural production and relation between man and environment through learning about types of good agricultural practices.
- 2.2 Employ the quantitative methods, maps, and GISs in analyzing and interpreting spatial information.
- 3. Values
- 3.1 Appreciate teamwork principle and bear individual and collective responsibility.
Course Content:
- The concept and origin of Geography of Agriculture.
- Domestication of animals and spreading of agricultural crops on crops level.
- Some methods of quantitative measurement used in agricultural geography (localization factor/ cultivation of agricultural lands/ rate of the productive agricultural lands).
- Agricultural lands taxonomy according to their productivity (merit unit)
- The natural factors affecting agriculture.
- The human factors affecting agriculture (irrigation and drainage, agricultural holding, agricultural cycle).
- The main types of agriculture.
- Food cereals and stimulants.
- Oil crops, fiber crops
- Geography of agriculture and the sustainable agricultural development (the concept of sustainable agricultural development and ways to achieve) Vision2030.
Textbook (s)
- Al-Zouka, Muhammad.Kh. (2000). The Agricultural Geography. Alexandria: Dar Al-Marefa.
- Mohamadain, Muhammad.M. (2002). Origins and Domains of Agricultural Geography. Riyadh: Dar Al-Khoragei.
- Abdel Illah, Abdel Fattah.S. (2004). Economic Geography and Agricultural Production Geography. Riyadh: Al-Rushd Bookstore.
- Haroun Ahmad.A. (2001). Agricultural Geography. Dar Alfikr Al-Arabi, Cairo.
- Dhillon,S. (2004). Agricultural Geography. Tata Mc-Graw Hill Education
- Grigg,D. (1984). An introduction to agricultural geography, London and New York.
- IIbery,B. (1986), Agricultural geography : A social and economic analysis, oxford university press.
Course ID: GEOG 351
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 2 | 2 | - |