Course Main Objective
Learn about how water exists in nature and its importance in dry environments through learning about its limited resources and problems a matter which helps form positive trends towards these problems and reduce water loss; realize role played by the Kingdom to develop the available resources and provide other unconventional resources.
Course Learning Outcomes
- 1. Knowledge and Comprehension
- 1.1 Identify the relation between hydrogeography and other sciences and the hydrologic cycle and the various resources of water and how to preserve.
- 2. Skills
- 2.1 Prove their knowledge of the human factors affecting water use and how to preserve it.
- 2.2 Use computer technology, the statistical programs to perform some group and individual works.
- 3. Values
- 3.1 Appreciate teamwork and community responsibility.
Course Content:
- First topic: an introduction to geography of water resources- amount of water and the hydrologic cycle.
- Second topic: precipitation (types, analysis, distribution).
- Third topic: full management of water under the sustainable development.
- Fourth topic: water in the Arab world in general and the international water conflicts.
- Fifth topic: water resources in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Textbook (s)
- Al-Zouka, Muhammad.Kh. (2015). Hydrogeography. Dar Almarefa, Alexandria.
- Jouda, Fathy.A. (2005). Geography of Water Resources: A Contemporary Study in Basics and Application. 1sted. Saudi House for Publishing, Riyadh.
Course ID: GEOG 451
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 2 | 2 | - |