Course Main Objective
To introduce students to rules of map design and how to identify its qualitative quality; read map in a right way and understand its elements; how to interpret analysis results in light of the facts and sources and identify the tools adequate to analysis and interpretation whether manual or digital according to nature and aims of using the map.
Course Learning Outcomes
- 1. Knowledge and Comprehension
- 1.1 Assess the importance and quality of map and its relation to decision-making processes.
- 2. Skills
- 2.1 Differentiate between the types of maps and different methods to design and read them.
- 2.2 Identify the tools adequate to read, analyze and interpret map.
- 2.3 Prepare maps conventionally and automatically using GIS and remote sensing software.
- 3. Values
- 3.1 Appreciate teamwork and cooperate with her colleagues to perform collective assignments.
Course Content:
- The concept of map communication and map use.
- Elements of map design.
- Map symbols and legends.
- Map reading: basics and requirements of understanding map
- Map analysis: measurement and analysis and their types on paper and digital map.
- Map interpretation: interpretation of analysis results to understand the geographical relations of represented phenomena.
- Nature of map use (reading, analysis, interpretation) in light of the technical trends of current and prospective maps.
- Analysis of the contour map.
Textbook (s)
- Mustapha, Ahmad.A., Muhammad, Ahmad. A. (2014). Map Design and Implementation. Dar Al-Marefa, Alexandria.
- Mustapha, Ahmad.A., Muhammad, Ahmad. A. (2010). Practical Geography and Maps. Dar Al-Marefa, Alexandria.
Course ID: GEOG 208
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | GEOG 205 |