The course opens with a social, intellectual and cultural background of England during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, that serves as a layout for discussion of the prescribed texts. The course contains three significant movements: Romantic, Victorian, and Modern. These literary periods will be examined, analyzed and evaluated through comprehensive understanding of the literary history and contextual reading of the texts.
- Knowledge and Comprehension
- Discuss the characteristics of the traditional novel and poetic movements of England in the 18th& 19th centuries.
- Skills
- Analyze critically chosen poems and novels and their applications.
- Present critical views toward literary works effectively in speech and/or in writing.
- Values
- Demonstrate self-discipline, ethical standards and academic integrity in performing assigned tasks.
- The Romantic Poetry:
An Introduction: Historical, Political (1780- 1832)
Key words to the Romantic poetry: Nature
Imagination & Childhood.
William Blake: Songs of Innocence & Experience
“Holy Thursday” OR “The Tiger”
William Wordsworth:
The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads. (Characteristics of the new poetic style” Romantic Poetry”).
“Simon Lee” (The tragedy of old age)
“I wander Lonely as a Cloud” (Relation to Nature)
T.S. Coleridge: The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
John Keats "Ode to a Nightingale"
Lord Byron: “She Walks in Beauty”
- The Victorian Poetry:
Introduction (Formative Influences on the Literature of the Victorian era: Political, Social and Religious)
Gerard Manley Hopkins:
“Pied Beauty” (Imagism)
Tennyson:" The Lady of Shalott
Dramatic Monologue
Robert Browning: “My last Duchess” (Only a reference
to the poem as an example (Dramatic Monologue)
Pre-Raphael Poetry: Main Characteristics
Female Poets and Lyric Poetry
Elizabeth Browning "A Curse of a Nation"
Introducing Female Poets (poetess)
“When I Am Dead”
One of the Pre- Raphaelitism Major Poets
Christina Rossetti:
“When I Am Dead”
Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice
Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre
- Greenblatt, Stephen, Ed. (2018). The Norton Anthology of English Literature (10th ed). W.W. Norton and Company.
- Jane, Austen. Pride and Prejudice (Any edition)
- Charlotte, Bronte. Jane Eyre (Any edition)
- Jean, Rhys. Wide Sargasso Sea (Any edition)
Course ID: ENGL 307
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 2 | 2 | ENGL 209 |