
قسم الهندسة الطبية الحيوية


Design and Development of a Multi-Axis Force Measurement Platforms for Human Gait Monitoring

Students Names: 
1. Heba Alwalily.
2. Shatha Alajmah.
3. Shahad Aldossary.
4. Tahani Alnajjar.
5. Reem Alsaihati.

Advisor: Dr. Ibrahim Aljamaan, Co. Advisor: Eng. Mariam Hegazi

Nowadays, common knee injuries occurdue to undetected limbs abnormalities, and the early detection of these abnormalities can help to reduce major damage. Force platform is a device used to measure the ground reaction force in three dimensions, and the displacement of the center of pressure. These data will be manipulated to provide further information about the lower limb status,and whether it is normal orthere is an abnormality. This project aims to develop low-cost force platform with a good quality compared with other affordable force plates available in market. A prototype will be designed and built, where the data will be acquired using data acquisition device and aprogrammableconsole will be developed usingLABVIEW software with advanced graphical user interface to monitor, plot, analyze and control the signals that makes it easier totheusers.


Development of a Real-time P300 Arabic Speller-based Brain Computer Interface System for Disabled People in the Arab world (MENA)

Students Names
1. Fatimah Almomen.
2. Jenna Almofeez.
3. Munirah Altwaijri.
4. Rahaf Alsubaie.
5. Rola Alghamdi.

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Alzahrani, Co. Advisor: Dr. Jwaher Alghamdi

This project focuses on designing an Arabic P300 speller for people with restricted communication capability due to a progressive neurodegenerative disease such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). P300 speller is one of the brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, which provides a new interaction method with the external world by converting brain wave activities using tools such as electroencephalography (EEG). A patient can communicate directly with a computer by brain signals through focusing on the wanted target that would produce a P300wave in the EEG signals. This signal is then processed and translated to commands by choosing the desired letter.


Design Radiofrequency Coil for Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners

Students Names
1. Norah AlQahtani
2. Lujain Alsubaie
3. Lama Alagil
4. Rand Aljurais
5. Latifa Aljaafari

Advisor: Dr. Gameel Saleh.

In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, the transmitter / receiver coils apply combined energy pulses to the radio waves (RF) to produce a magnetic field B1 that rotates at a resonant frequency equal to the frequency (velocity) of the hydrogen cyclesin the body of an organism, this project aims to design radio coils for imaging With clinical pre-magnetic resonance, both volumetric and surface type, stromal coils are circularly polarized coils, resulting in a B1 rotating magnetic field (and thus circularly polarized). The surface coil is a coil of wire, which is placed over the concerned area (around the patient's surface) to improve the reception of magnetic waves. This project presents a design for inhomogeneous phantoms that mimic living biologicaltissues for pre-clinical use, which are not available to our knowledge yet. It also aims to measure the specific energy absorption rate (SAR), which measures the heat emitted from the radio frequency coils and its effect on biological tissues. This project aims to design unique radio coils with the highest magnetic field and the lowest electric field to obtain the best image with better quality and safety. The designs that will be implemented will be installed on the positron imaging / magnetic resonance imaging device that will reach the department, which will enable the efficiency of designs to be tested by experimenting. This project will reduce the costs for the radio files that the researchers will need in the department in the coming years from tens of thousands of dollars to some thousands of riyals.Also, in this project we aim to design an inhomogeneous phantom that mimics a real rat tissues this will help also in educational purposes in studying medical imaging.


Design and development of acost-effective and precision high flow nasal cannula (HFNC)device

Students Names
1. Doaa Abu-Aladas
2. Haifa Khalifa
3. Shahad Alomair
4. Zainab Al-Lashet

Advisor: Dr. Mahbubunnabi Tamal,

High flow nasal cannula is a medical device that is used in treating patients who suffer from serious respiratory failure (e.g., in case of COVID-19). It delivers a specific level of heated and humidified oxygen (FiO2) at an extremely high flow rate. The currently available HFNC devices are expensive and complicated to operate. This research project aims to develop a cost effective and easy to use HFNC device. The proposed HFNC device will be designed and built with latest material and interfacing devices to make it cost effective and easy to operate with automatic system. This research is very much necessary specially at the time of COVID-19pandemic to provide a cheaper and easy to use respiratory treatment device that is accessible to all classes of the society.


A monitoring system to predict driver`s state of vigilance

Students Names
1. Samar Ghazal
2. Amina Alturaiki

Advisor: Dr. Abdul-Hakeem Al-Omari, Co Advisor: Eng. Hind AlYahya

Fatigue and drowsiness are of the leading causes for road accidents as per The National Sleep Foundation, 60% of adult drivers have driven while feeling drowsy. This project aims to reduce the number of such accidents by developing an integrated monitoring system to predict driver`s vigilance based on the detected and analyzed levels of the driver`s bio-signals and gripping force with an alert system that will be activated whenever an abnormality was detected. Bio-signals are a reliable indication on the state of vigilance; the system will be applied through implanted bio-signals` and force`s sensors on the driver`s seat and steering wheel.


Low-Cost Non-Invasive Continuous Respiratory Rate Monitoring for Chronic Illnesses Patients.

Students Names
1. Reema Alnemer
2. Razan Hilal
3. Rawabi Alabdulrahman
4. Zahra Almutawah
5. Zainab Almaskeen

Advisor: Dr. Syed Mehmood Ali, Co Advisor: Eng. Kamran Hameed,

Since the world is battling against COVID-19 and many other chronic illnesses, monitoring the respiratory rate via innovative technologies has become necessary. A non-invasive daily self-monitoring of respiratory rate might be appropriate to detect body changes and determine possible infections. The respiratory rate (RR) is a critical parameter that significantly predicts the patient’s health status. RR can be measured manually or by the medical ventilator, multipara monitor, spirometer, impedance pneumography, and capnography. All the mentioned equipment and devices are expensive and cannot be transformed into wearable gadgets. Therefore, a low-cost photoplethysmography/accelerometer/gyroscope based technology has been proposed to measure RR without any complicated interventions. A single optical sensor/accelerometer/gyroscope will be required to get pulses, and the prototype device will provide the respiratory rate.


Ultra-compact Optical Glucometer

Students Names
1. Zainab Aldawood
2. Raghad AlZayed
3. Anwar AlMatrood
4. Samah Omar
5. Fatima Alhamaly

Advisor: Dr. Ibraheem Al-Naib,

Finger pricking is the most common way of glucose level measuring among diabetic patients. Their regular need for measuring has raised the need for an alternative monitoring method. Some non-invasive studies have started as early as 1999 [1]. Optical frequencies are the cutting-edge of recent studies, specifically, Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR),that has been involved in the evolution of non-invasive medical devices. In this project, a non-invasive glucometer using NIR light will be designed and constructed. Samples with different concentrations of glucose will be tested by a range of NIR wavelengths in order to setup a design with the most sensitive and accurate results possible.


Development of A Smart Wheelchair Based on fNIRS Technology.

Students Names
1. Tasneem Ahmed
2. Reem AlOmair
3. Reem AlGhafli
4. Renad AlNamlah
5. Fatimah AlSahaf

Advisor: Dr. Murad Althobaiti,

fNIRS is a non-invasive optical imaging technology that detects variations in hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the brain by using Hb's characteristics absorption spectra in the near-infrared range. In the last decade, a real-time brain-controlled wheelchair was developed by analyzing the EEG signals under imagination[1]. The aim of this project is to develop a safe smart brain-controlled wheelchair-using fNIRS signals instead of EEG by using multi-sensors to increase effectiveness in addition to a safety system. Also, improving the commands number to control the wheelchair as well as decreasing the used signal time detection, along with designing an effective brain-controlled wheelchair[2].


Development of an electronic system for detecting and alerting hypoglycemia of diabeticsduring sleep time.

Students Names
1. Batool Aljaroudi
2. Baneen Alayyash
3. Welayah Abo Shokan
4. Zahra Almahfoudh
5. Zainab Almoullem

Advisor: Dr. Karim Jabali,

Monitoring blood glucose level while sleeping is a very important subject in the medical field. When a person is asleep, the blood sugar naturally increases. This poses a threat to diabetic as they require insulin to control their blood sugar levels. If the insulin reduces the blood sugar drastically, it may lead to dangerous consequences. The ultimate goal is to have a continuous monitoring system that can detect when the person is asleep and consequently alert the medical staff of abnormal changes in blood sugar levels.


Design of a wearable device for preventative prediction of epileptic seizures.

Students Names
1. Areej AlYousef
2. Fawzia AlAlawi
3. Maram AlMansour
4. Muneerah AlSaadi
5. Sarah AlFares

Advisor: Dr. Lola El Sahmarany Co Advisor: Eng. Maha Alshammari,

Epilepsy is ranked internationally as the fourth most common neurological disorder that affects around 80% of low to middle income countries’ population. Although various antiepileptic medications are available, timely, effective monitoring of the disorder is often unattainable. Early detection of the disease is critical in order to prevent seizures’ symptoms from occurring. This project aims to design a real time, algorithm-based on bio-signals analysis. It is an integration of a low-cost, non-invasive device that could be worn under a patient's clothes around the clock. This device is not limited to monitor seizures symptoms but also record seizure occurrences to help caregivers during monitoring process.


Controlling a 3D printed Arm Using EMG Signals.

Students Names
1. Abdullah Mohammed Alhalabi.
2. Khalid Fayez Algethami.
3. Abdullah Ahmed Alqatife.
4. Hussain Abdullah Alshehab.

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Alzahrani

Many people around the world are suffering from amputated limbs. By 2011, the number rose to 15% of the world's population, half of whom cannot afford the cost of healthcare. Prosthetic arms are one of the innovative solutions to alleviate the suffering of these people and facilitate their daily lives. Comparing the different types of prosthetic arms, we found that each type has advantages and disadvantages such as heavy weight, high cost, limited movements, and large size. The aim of this project is to design an EMG-controlled, 3D printed, low-cost prosthetic arm that is capable of reproducing different motions and offer a good balance between different features to satisfy the user.


Automated Specimens System.

Students Names
1. Mohammed Abbas hashim.
2. Amjad mahdi motiloq.
3. Ayman Mansour Al-jumaia.
4. Mohammed Yousef BinAlshaikh.

Advisor: Dr. Ibrahim Aljamaan

Clinical laboratories have rapidly evolved since the 1990s, mainly driven by technological advances that focus on automation. Nowadays, the automated laboratories help to prevent human error existence. In this project, a prototype of an automated specimen’s system will be designed and assembled, where a robotic arm is going to move the blood samples from the conveyor belts to the assigned storage locations. A barcode reader will be added to distinguish each specimen and a microcontroller is used to automate the process. Moreover, an interface system will be programmed using LABVIEW software, where the coding window is different than the operator. This automated process will increase the lab efficiency as well as the speed of analysis.

قسم الهندسة المدنية والتشييد


Managing the Improvement of Strength & Durability Properties of Sabkha Soil using Quarry Waste Material

Students Names
1. Tariq Salahie
2. Mazen alshedayed
3. Meshal alenzi
4. Murtada Alshakhori


The shallower stratum of Saudi Arabia’s coastline is composed of problematic Sabkha soil, which offer several long-lasting geotechnical problems to the built environment. This project aims to improve geotechnical characteristics of the problematic Sabkha soil by utilizing quarry waste powder as cementitious material. By comparing critical geotechnical characteristics of natural soil and the soil improved with different proportions of the binder, the optimum quantity of quarry waste powder is determined. The critical drivers and barriers to the application of quarry waste powder for soil stabilization are also determined and prioritized. This study provides a sustainable solution to improve ground conditions. The technical, social, and environmental factors affecting the implication of quarry waste in improving geotechnical properties of Sabkha soil will be determined. The hierarchical structure of the governing factors is determined by employing advanced structural modeling.
Keywords: Soil improvement, Sabkha, sustainability, Qurry waste material, management.


Structural Design and Cost Estimation of an Educational Laboratory Building using Conventional and Pre-Engineered Steel Frames

Students Names
1. Abdulaziz Almisfer
2. Abdullah Aldayel
3. Ahmed Elsharqawy


The main objective of this study is to design the structural system of an educational laboratory building using a Conventional Steel Frame (CSF) and a Pre-Engineered Steel Frame (PEF). Both structural systems will be designed to resist gravitational loads including crane load and lateral loads such as wind and earthquake loadings as per SBC, MBMA, AISC and ASCE 7-16. STAAD Pro software will be used in the structural analysis and design for both systems. Besides, the quantity and the cost of materials in both systems will be estimated. Full design package including AutoCAD drawing will be prepared. This SDP will provide a comparative study in the performance of CSF and PEF. The study also aims to compare the structural performance and the cost of materials in both systems in Saudi Arabia taking into account the actual local loads and the low soil bearing capacity in the Arabian Gulf.
Keywords: Structural Design, Steel Frame, Gravity Loads, Lateral Loads.


Construction Management & Structural Design of 8-story Residential Building

Students Names
1. Abdulrahman Arrouk
2. Fahad Alhajri
3. Faisal Gaboul
4. Mishary Al-Dakhil


The project aims to design a reinforced concrete 8-story residential building located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The building is a flat plate system with shear walls and raft foundation. The structure is designed to carry the gravity loads and the lateral loads (i.e. seismic and wind loads). Structural drawings of different structural elements will be provided. The project also aims to estimate the probable cost required to complete the building, including the material cost, labor work, and equipment. In addition, the project team will develop a planning and scheduling for the project activities using different computer software.
Keywords: Structural Design, Concrete, Gravity Loads, Lateral Loads, Cost, Planning.


Efficient Design of Multistory Building and Usage of Arabic Gum for High Performance Sustainable Construction Material

Students Names
1. Yousef K. Algatam
2. Ammar Al Eid
3. Ali Alqahtani


During the last decades, the construction material quality and costing using the local agricultural material aimed at constructing sustainable residential buildings is of great interest especially for the rapid escalation of infrastructure in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The project will include two technical areas; 1) Structural design for residential building; 2) Production of new concrete materials using Arabic Gum as natural superplasticizer and assessing the performance of this developed Arabic gum-based mortar. The objective of this project is to explore the possibility to build residential buildings ensuring green construction. The study involves analysis and design of RC building located in the active seismic zone region and wind environment in Saudi Arabia to mitigate lateral load effect on structures. Green construction material to use in building construction is also focused. Arabic Gum (AG) use it in production of mortar will expand the market for farmers and therefore promoting the country’s economy. The experimentation will also aim to develop sustainable masonry blocks by using AG as superplasticizer in different amounts, study structural elements of mortar using AG admixture be investigated as well as combining AG with other bio materials and studying their effect in mortar which are regarded as having a good design an efficient structure. The improvement will be examined which may indicate the reduction in construction cost and energy consumption.
Keywords: Green construction, Structural design, Arabic gum, superplasticizer, experimentation.


Stochastic cost estimation model of residential RC buildings

Students Names
1. Ahmed Almashama
2. Fahad Alotaibi
3. Meteb Alyami
4. Saleh Alshammari


The project aims to estimate the total cost estimation of a construction project. The estimation is changes according to the project completion percentage. The estimated cost during the planning phase, when the actual project is not started yet, is sometimes not realistic due to unforeseen factors during the construction phase. In addition, risk analysis is required before and during the construction phase to limit the range of the total cost of construction. Consequently, stochastic model is required to consider all factors that affect the total cost of the construction project. Several computer software are required to perform and complete the current project such M.S. Project and @Risk.

Keywords: Construction cost, Planning, Reinforced Concrete, Risk analysis, Stochastic model.

قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والطاقة


Design and experimental development of a self-driven cleaning system by thermo-mechanical actuator for PV solar systems

Students Names

Advisor: Dr. Nassir Hariri, Office 3607, Tel: 0568561403, email: nghariri@iau.edu.sa


This project will examine the ability of a smart shape memory alloy to be utilized as an actuation source specifically targeting actuation mechanisms for various integrations with innovative PV technologies. The research project involves designing, fabricating, and experimentally developing a testbed for the performance evaluation and characterization study of the smart shape memory alloy as a reliable and accurate actuation source for the self-cleaning operations. The study will conduct force, position, and thermal analyses for the developed actuator design to evaluate its capability for numerous integrations with PV technologies such as smart and self-cleaning systems.

Keywords: Cleaning System, Dust Removal, Soiling, SMA actuator, Smart material


Design, implementation, and performance evaluation of a low-cost autonomous cleaning robot for conventional PV solar systems.

Students Names

Advisor: Dr. Nassir Hariri, Office 3607, Tel: 0568561403, email: nghariri@iau.edu.sa


This project will explore the feasibility of implementing an innovative and low-cost design for a cleaning system of PV panels. The study will focus in designing and experimentally fabricating the automatic cleaning system with different air-based and water-based cleaning methods. Assessments to the electrical performance of developed cleaning methods as well as the cleaning metrics (such as power restoration, and dust removal rate) will be investigated to highlight the improved efficiency gained by the developed system. The proposed approach in this study will highlight the effectiveness of the developed system in the potential improvement for the overall power generation of PV panel.

 Keywords: Cleaning System, Dust Removal, Soiling, Low-cost, Autonomous robot.


Overall performance modeling and analysis of a Low Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal modules under the Eastern climatic conditions of Saudi Arabia 

Students Names

Advisor: Dr. Taher, Office 3606, Tel: 0583757073, email: tsmaatallah@iau.edu.sa


Low Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal modules (LCPV/T) are scarcely investigated and applied since further advanced solutions are required to improve their overall performance. In the present study, the optothermal and electrical behavior of a LCPV/T will be numerically modeled and investigated. An optimized design of the LCPV/T module will be locally fabricated and tested under the indoor and outdoor conditions.  The developed prototype is aiming to improve the overall LCPV/T efficiency and to reduce the cost of energy generation under the local harsh environmental conditions, and further follow up investigation and enhancement areas will be identified.

SDPI Scheduling:


Duration (wks)















1. SDP-I Documentation
















2.  Literature review
















3.  Design
















4. Simulation
















5. SDP-I drafting Report
















6. Presentation preparation


















Design of induction heater for Desalination application

Students Names
1. Ahmed Saleh Alaskar
2. Haidar Ali Al-jamal
5. Ali Hussain Alhomran

Advisor: Dr. Nagmeldeen Hassanian, Office 3601, Tel: 0590980415, email: nahassanain@iau.edu.sa


An induction heater is used for melting, hardening, and heating, many sectors have benefited from this discovery. The need for improved quality control and safe manufacturing procedures has recently brought this technology back into the spotlight. New and reliable methods for implementing induction heating are being presented with today's high-end technologies.

In this research, the induction heater is used to heat the water for desalination application. The induction heater is fast and consumes less power compared to other methods used in heating.


Smart hybrid energy supply system connecting PV panels and conventional grid for residential air conditioners

Students Names
1. Ahmad Faouzi Al-Soumali
2. Saoud Mohammad Abdul-Azeez
3. Mohammad Andulrahman Al-Marzook

Advisor: Dr. Amro Aowes, Office 3605, Tel: 0551885676, email: aowes@iau.edu.sa


The energy consumption from the use of residential air conditioners could cost half of the total energy consumption of the building. A combination of conventional and renewable energy is still an emerging technology. Therefore, the use of solar photovoltaic panels to provide electricity to air conditioners is an attractive application. This project shows the possibility of using photovoltaic panels as a power source to the air conditioners in the vicinity of conventional grid. The main objective is to design a Smart Hybrid Energy Supply System for residential air conditioners. The photovoltaic panels will be connected to the conditioner across a power inverter module for adopting reliable and accurate quality of power to the conditioner unit. The electricity from the grid and solar panels will be joined to a microcontroller for smart switching of available supply load. When the solar energy is available, then the controller runs the load on solar system instead of the conventional grid. This action will save cost and energy consumption. The smart switching control system provides an intelligent connection between the solar power source and the grid ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply between the two power sources.

SDPI Scheduling:


Duration (wks)















7. SDP-I Documentation
















  1. 8.  Literature review
















  1. 9.  Design
















  1. 10.                   Simulation and Experiments
















  1. 11.                   SDP-I drafting Report
















  1. 12.                   Presentation preparation


















Design, Build and Testing of Counter-Rotating VAWTs

Students Names

Advisor: Dr. Farooq Saeed, Office 3603, Tel: 0507984878, email: fsaeed@iau.edu.sa


The objective is to explore and identify different concepts that employ counter-rotating turbine blades in a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) for enhanced power generation. Short list three concepts for modeling and simulation in QBLADE and ANSYS Fluent commercial software. Design and build the models for actual tests in the low-speed wind tunnel simulator employing Engineering methods and Standards. Compare test results with numerical and summarize the conclusions and recommendations related to the design, simulation, building/fabrication, wind tunnel test setup and instrumentation, test results and pro & cons of the different concepts.


Design, fabricate, and performance test of waste heat and mass recovery system for laundries steam ironing machine

Students Names

Advisor: Dr. Fahad Al-Amri, Office 3609, Tel: 0504955412, email: fgalamri@iau.edu.sa


This project aims at designing and implementing a heat and mass recovery system for steam ironing machines used in the laundry shops in Saudi Arabia. The impact of Using such a recovery system on Saudi Arabia's water and energy consumption will also be investigated. The outcome of this work is expected to drastically reduce the water and power consumption in laundry shops, hence reducing the country's water and power consumption.

Laundries steam ironing involves the application of heat, moisture (generally in the form of steam), and pressure. The used steam exists then to sewage, which results in a massive waste of mass and energy. This project aims to recycle the used steam to increase water and energy efficiency by heat recovery using a heat exchanger. The function of the heat exchanger is to heat inlet water using the excess steam of the ironing process and condensate the vapor and reuse it.


Duration (wks)















1. SDP-I Documentation
















  1. 2.  Literature review
















  1. 3.  Design
















  1. 4.  Experiments
















5. SDP-I drafting Report
















6. Presentation preparation
















قسم الهندسة البيئية


Design of a Low-Cost Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Station

Students Names
1. Tariq Alqarni
2. Abdulaziz Addawayan
3. Mohammed Alrubaie
1. Ibrahim Saud Alanazi

Advisor: Dr Ismail ANIL, Prof Omer AGA,Office Tel: 0133331713, e-mail: ianil@iau.edu.sa, oaga@iau.edu.sa

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is the term that describes the air quality within buildings and structures, particularly as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Workers in healthcare, civil protection, and industrial facilities may be at risk of developing respiratory problems, hypersensitivity reactions, and infectious diseases as a result of being exposed to airborne pollutants and pathogens, which could be fatal in some cases and increase mortality rates.
A safe and effective determination of air quality allows the population to be warned of high pollutant concentrations. Recent sensor advancements have resulted in the development of a large number of low-cost sensors, which improve the spatial and temporal resolution of air quality data while increasing the effectiveness of risk assessment.
The main goal of this project is to design a fully automated low-cost indoor air quality monitoring station measuring fine particulate matter (PM2.5), coarse particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO), temperature, humidity, and pressure. Users are able to access the instantaneous and historical measurement data which is sent and recorded through IOT platforms via PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.

Keywords: Indoor air quality, low-cost sensor, particulate matter, volatile organic compound, internet of things


Designing of a bioremediation system for cleaning up petroleum contamination

Students Names
1. Abdullah Almousa
2. Fahad Alghuwinem
3. Hussain Boug
4. Abdulaziz Abubshait

Advisor: Dr. Cevat Yaman, Office Tel:, cell: 0550245937…email: cyaman@iau.edu.sa
The effects of oil pollution and various remediation procedures (natural attenuation, biostimulation, and bioaugmentation) on the physicochemical and biological parameters of podzolic soil, as well as the correlations between petroleum hydrocarbons, total organic carbon, nutrients, basal respiration, and enzymatic activity (dehydrogenase, catalase) in soil, were studied. In all soil treatments, hydrocarbons are primarily responsible for changing metabolic activity. Bioaugmentation can be accomplished by using a single strain of microorganisms or by combining many strains of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria). In this work, we will investigate the impact of these two methods of bioaugmentation on the breakdown of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in petroleum-polluted soil in depth. At the end of the experiment, all of the tested methods should be able to remove TPH from petroleum-polluted soil to varying degrees
Keywords: Bioremediation, petrochemical pollution; soil remediation; site treatment technology


Design of Anaerobic system for Co-digestion of sewage sludge with organic materials for biogas production

Students Names
1. Tag Nasreldin
2. Moath Allubli
3. Mohammed Alaliwi
4. Mohammed Alnabulsi

Advisor: Dr Nuhu Dalhat Mu’azu, Office Tel 013 333 1695:, cell: 0507532689; email: nmdalhat@iau.edu.sa
In Saudi Arabia, hundreds of dry tons of sewage sludge (SS) from municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) are produced daily with the amount expected to steadily increase with years as results of increased population and new MWWTPs expected in coming years. Most of the thickened sludge from these treatment plant goes directly into landfills, thereby leading to environmental pollution such as land, underground water, and air pollutions. To attain environmental sustainability as envisioned in VISION 2030, the effective management of this SS requires adoption of recovery of economically, viable materials from the sewage sludge against the traditional practice of landfilling. The main objective of this work is to design an anaerobic digestion (AD) bioreactor using MWWTP sludge for biogas (methane gas production. The continuous AD flow bioreactor was designed and modelled using GPS-X software for understanding the anaerobic waste stabilization process at different organic loading feed rates and analysis of influence of operational conditions on the biogas production. The AD process for economic recovery of biogas from MWWTP sludge using organic additives was investigated using the GPS-X software. Moreover, other process controlling parameters such as pH, temperature, organic loading rate, organic additives, and hydraulic retention time were studied and the optimal design the optimum parameters of the AD reactor for higher methane yield was determined
Keywords: GPS-X modeling; wastewater treatment plant management; sludge management; methane gas generation; sustainable energy sources


Design and optimization of membrane system to purify seawater and testing of Nano based membranes for improved treatment performance under high salinity water

Students Names
1. Mohammed Alghareeb
2. Hassan AL-Qasim
3.Mohammed Alfardan

Advisor: Eng Mukarram Zubair Office Tel: 0568561403

قسم هندسة النقل و المرور

Pedestrian behavior and drivers' behavior towards Pedestrians at pedestrian and non-pedestrian crossing in EP: Observational, Questionnaire, and Simulation Studies.

Advisor: Dr. M. A. Dalhat
The behavior of pedestrians could be captured and modeled to make roads safer for vulnerable users using state-of-the-art tools. GoodVision captures the video and digitizes the traffic insights from pedestrian activity on roads/junctions using AI and provides powerful tools to obtain tedious traffic and pedestrians' behavioral parameters fully interactive. And these obtained behavior trajectories could be simulated using state-of-the-art modeling software Viswalk. Finally, results could be observed in the form of a 3D Video showing pedestrian interaction with the traffic.

Field Forensic Analysis of the Causes of Poor Pavement Performance in EP.

Advisors: Dr. Sami A. Osman

Students will identify key road sections with unjustified poor conditions. Then, core samples will be obtained from good and poor similar road sections for analysis in the lab. Finally, results will be analyzed, and conclusions will be drawn.

Environmental Impact for Traffic Congestion at Signalized Intersections. A Case Study from Dammam Metropolitan Area

Advisor: Khalid AlMatar
This project aims to develop mitigation for the environmental impacts of traffic on major roads in the congested city, a case study for the Dammam Road network. The activities include measuring vehicle pollutant emissions and delay, then linking delay levels and the magnitude of emissions at the intersection. In conclusion, the team will develop an emission pricing function for average delay levels

Traffic Calming Solutions for Multiple Black Spot Locations in Dammam Metropolitan Area, Saudi Arabia

Advisor: Dr. Nawaf Alshabibi,Traffic Accidents are the 2nd cause of fatality around the world. The fatalities associated with traffic accidents are rapidly increasing. This study investigates the current traffic and highway safety levels in Dammam Metropolitan Area Region in Saudi Arabia and suggests solutions of traffic calming to these locations. The data have been analyzed using several spatial analytical techniques and procedures, including developing statistical analysis and GIS-based analysis techniques. It was found that hitting pedestrian caused by sudden turning and driver distraction are the highest type and cause of accidents in Dammam Metropolitan Area Region. The study suggested providing and deployment.

Assessment of Roundabouts Design Efficiency and Safety in Dammam Metropolitan Area using Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Advisor:Wael ElDessouki
Roundabout geometric design, in theory, plays a significant factor in determining its safety level. Unfortunately, some roundabouts in Dammam metro area do not adhere to the geometric design guidelines proposed by the NCHRP and TRB. Hence, this project compares the performance between roundabouts that follow the recommended geometric design guidelines and other roundabouts that violated those guidelines. The assessment methodology will be based on machine vision, artificial intelligence technologies, and field counting.

تاريخ النشر : ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢
تاريخ آخر تحديث : ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢
المشاهدات : ٢٥٧٥