Tasks of the Scientific Council:

  1. Recommending the appointment of faculty members at the university.
  2. Deciding on academic promotions for university faculty members in accordance with the rules approved by the Higher Education Council.
  3.  Encouraging scientific research, authorship, translation and publishing, which includes:
  • Setting rules to encourage the preparation of scientific research.
  •  Proposing the establishment of scientific research centers.
  • Coordination between scientific research centers and setting a general plan for them.
  • Organizing links with research centers outside the university.
  • Determining incentives and discretionary rewards for scientific works, their arbitration, and              ordering their disbursement.
  •  Publishing research, literature and scientific theses that he deems to be published.
  • Recommending the issuance of scientific periodicals.
  • Recommending the establishment of scientific societies and museums and coordinating between them.
  •  Approval of the textbooks and university theses referred to it that need revision.
  •  Evaluation of academic certificates submitted by Saudi faculty members.
  •  Considering what is referred to it by the University Council.
Published on: 09 April 2015
Last update on: 06 September 2021
Page views: 1403