Tasks and powers of the University Council according to universities new system

 Tasks  Powers  
1 To propose the vision, mission, objectives, and to map the policies for academic or financial or administrative aspects  Trustees Council 
2 To propose the organizational structure and its handbook  Trustees Council 
3 To propose regulations of financial and administrative issues  Trustees Council 
4 To approve academic executive regulations  Universities Affairs Council
5 To set regulations related to mandating powers to other councils  University Council 
6 To appoint teaching staff members  University Council 
7 To approve use of teaching staff members through secondment, assignment or contracting with governmental, private sectors and civil community institutions   University Council 
8 To propose establishing, merging, cancelling, or changing of colleges, deanships, institutes, and centers  Trustees Council 
9 To propose titles of academic degrees  Trustees Council 
10 To approve academic plans and programs Offred by the university   University Council 
11 To approve regulations related to issuance of academic journals  University Council 
12 To approve training and scholarship plan  University Council 
13 To spot the details of the academic calendar per the start and end of the academic tear  University Council 
14 To approve admission policies and to spot the number of students should be accepted every year.   University Council 
15 To set financial fees for the programs and services. Universities Affairs Council
16 To approve the plan of students activates  University Council 
17 To approve the university plan of social responsibility  University Council 
18 To award academic degree for graduates University Council 
19 To propose awarding of honorary doctorate  Trustees Council 
20 To approve the scientific and technical cooperation agreement and memoranda of understanding between the university and local institutions University Council 
21 To propose agreements on scientific and technical cooperation and memoranda of understanding between the university and international institutions Universities Affairs Council
22 To propose formation of the international advisory council for the university beside spotting its powers Trustees Council 
23 To approve formation of the international advisory council for the university beside spotting its powers University Council 
24 To approve students’ advisory council and its regulations  University Council 
25 To propose the university annual budget  Trustees Council 
26 To suggest the rules regulating investment, self-revenue, and endowment management at the university in accordance with the regulations issued by the University Affairs Council Universities Affairs Council
27 To propose establishing of companies and partnerships per regulations.  Trustees Council 
28 To accept donations and consider the expenditure from donations per regulations issued by the University Affairs Council University Council 
29 To allocate part of the university lands as endowments after coordination with the competent governmental authorities per relevant regulations. University Council 
30 To establish and regulate academic chairs  University Council 
31 To appoint financial auditors for the university accounts  University Council 
32 To discuss the final account to be passed to Trustees Council  Trustees Council 
33 To discuss the university annual report to be passed to Trustees Council Trustees Council 
34 To review issues passed by the president of the council or proposed by any member.  University Council 
35 University Council has the right to mandate some of its powers to the council president of other councils of the university, but the university council must be informed with decisions taken, as the university council has too the right to form standing or temporary committees from its members or non-members. University Council 

Published on: 20 October 2022
Last update on: 20 October 2022
Page views: 1816