
Since the date of its establishment, the Pharmaceutical chemistry department works with other college departments in preparing pharmacists to work in all branches of the pharmaceutical and health profession including community, hospital, and industry. In addition, courses at the chemistry department contributes to a high extent in developing the required skills for the college graduates especially those who aim to work in pharmaceutical industry and research and development.
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry department provides learning experiences based on the best educational practices for all students in different chemistry subjects including, organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, drug design, pharmaceutical analytical chemistry. These courses emphasize fundamental understanding in the physical, chemical, and biological processes of drugs and drug-related systems, and innovated therapies as well as pharmaceutical analysis and quality control.
The department is dedicated to support excellence in pharmaceutical chemistry education. We are committed to teaching all pharmaceutical chemistry subjects through strong innovative teaching modules. The department is continuously reviewing its course specs and is always utilizing various teaching and learning strategies that make their students the hub of the learning process and that are integrated with properly aligned assessment plans.
Moreover, the department is well established with several laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation. The faculty members have conducted cutting edge scientific research in the fields of medicinal chemistry, drug discovery, pharmaceutical analytical chemistry, and organic chemistry. The department has attracted funding from various organizations and is producing a high number of research articles published in distinct and high impact peer reviewed scientific journals. In addition, faculty members of the department are also contributing in the students’ graduation projects.
Our faculty members actively participate in all community services and campaigns that are held by the college, and work hardly to implement consultancy services to the different pharmaceutical sector in the region.

Published on: 08 July 2014
Last update on: 25 October 2020
Page views: 4390