
The Vice Deanship for Scientific Research and Innovation at the College of Science and Humanities in Jubail aspires to spread the culture of scientific research and innovation, and to be at the top of this field. It also seeks to raise the quality of accredited scientific research in accordance with national research trends and priorities and the university's laws and regulations to reduce violations of scientific publishing. The Vice Deanship for Scientific Research and Innovation at the college also contributes to raising the awareness of its faculty members of the services and regulations of the Scientific Council and providing a distinguished environment to stimulate scientific research and encourage researchers to innovate and increase outstanding scientific production.

Through its strategic plan, the College of Science and Humanities at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University aims to develop the scientific research and innovation system in the field of science and humanities through the following:

  1. Monitoring the implementation of the research plans of the academic departments and the level of the plan's achievement at the end of each year.
  2. Encouraging collaborative research among faculty and students.
  3. Urging faculty members to publish scientific works in accordance with the university regulations, and to obtain research funding from national or international funding bodies.
  4. Identifying talented students and providing them with the necessary support.
  5. Providing scientific activities and conferences in the field of creativity and innovation and encouraging researchers to excel and register patents.
  6. Establishing training programs to spread the culture of scientific research, raise the quality of classified scientific research, and reduce violations of the university's scientific publishing regulations.
  7. Spreading awareness of the services provided by the Research and Self-Learning Unit and advertising the training programs provided by the Directorate of Library Affairs.
  8. Submitting annual reports on the activities and achievements of the units concerned with scientific research and innovation.

Units and Committees

Scientific Research Unit

This unit is concerned with researchers from faculty members and students to improve the scientific research system by raising the quality of scientific research to enrich knowledge and community service, support distinguished scientific research and motivate researchers to innovate and be creative, by providing a supportive scientific environment that serves the research needs of the departments in the college.


  •  Developing the faculty members' capabilities in the field of scientific research.
  • Instilling the values and ethics of scientific research to all researchers in the college.
  • Encouraging and supporting researchers to publish their research in refereed and classified scientific journals.
  • Encouraging faculty members to participate in research grants and apply for scientific excellence awards.
  • Enhancing the participation of faculty members in local and global conferences.
  • Providing an appropriate learning environment that includes educational facilities, laboratories, and all that is required by the college programs to ensure better performance.
  • Encouraging joint scientific publishing among faculty members, students, and graduates of the college.
  • Raising the quality of classified scientific research and reducing violations of scientific publishing at the university.
  • Spreading the culture of research and scientific publishing and raising awareness of the services and regulations of the Scientific Council.

Services Provided

  • Developing the scientific research culture and skills for faculty members by monitoring the implementation of research activities and verifying their effective and regular participation in activities and scientific production.
  • Monitoring the implementation plan for scientific research in academic programs to activate the role of the researcher and stimulate scientific production.
  • Periodically monitoring the scientific publication of the faculty members and what has been achieved at the end of each semester.
  • Monitoring the faculty members' scientific production and publication violations.
  • Providing researchers interested in scientific research with the most prominent national research trends and labor market requirements.
  • Coordinating with specialists and bodies concerned with scientific research to provide training programs or workshops to develop the skills of faculty members and students in scientific research.
  • Monitoring the university's latest laws and regulations for scientific publication and sources of research funding.
  • Monitoring the circulation of announcements of scientific conferences and forums inside and outside the university.
  • Creating and submitting annual reports on the progress of the work of the unit, including all the research activities of the college and the outcome of the faculty members' scientific production.

Unit Activities

Unit Reports

Contact Us

Vice Dean for Scientific Research and Innovation: 38716

Secretary of Scientific Research: 38720

Email: cdefj.sr@iau.edu.sa

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit seeks to achieve the strategic goal of the college, which is concerned with promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship by providing various programs for the college's employees to produce entrepreneurial projects and innovations that contribute to the implementation of the Kingdom's 2030 Vision.


  • Developing the college employees' capabilities in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Enhancing the entrepreneurial environment by directing the college staff and students to participate and attend relevant events.
  • Identifying talented students and providing appropriate programs for their care and motivation.
  • Services Provided
  • Holding enrichment conferences and programs in the fields of talent, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
  • Attracting and sponsoring the talented and innovative to train and qualify them to be the nucleus for achieving the university's goals as well as their own goals.
  • Establishing channels of communication with the industrial sectors related to the fields of work of colleges and specializations of the university.
  • Embracing entrepreneurial projects under the umbrella of the business incubator of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University.
  • Providing the appropriate environment (Ma'aden Hall for Research and Innovation) to work on projects and equipping it with the necessary tools to start a project.
  • Ma'aden Hall for Research and Innovation

 Unit Activities

This training program is designed to enhance the technical capabilities and programming skills of the participants and to exploit the possibilities available in Ma'aden Hall for research and innovation.

A competition aimed at supporting graduation projects in various disciplines in the field of scientific research and contributes to empowering students' research by benefiting from the expertise of specialists in scientific research.

Video Clip

Competition Report


Contact Us

Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit: 38671

Secretary of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit: 38610

 Email: cedfj.ie@iau.edu.sa

Research and Self-Learning Unit

The Research and Self-Learning Hall is one of the sub-halls of the Directorate of Library Affairs at the university and aims to provide services and assist beneficiaries in accordance with the vision and mission of the Directorate of Library Affairs in enabling and promoting access to sources of knowledge and learning on an ongoing basis to support the beneficiaries' scientific and research skills.

The Directorate of Library Affairs also allows benefiting from the resources of the university libraries on the university page through a set of available tools, namely:

  • The e-library portal that allows beneficiaries to search the electronic databases that the university subscribes to. https://library.iau.edu.sa
  • The unified search engine Samoon, which allows searching all sources of the university's printed and electronic libraries at the same time with the possibility of retrieving the full text of scientific articles and research. The engine is distinguished by providing suggestions for the most important electronic databases that can benefit the researcher according to the research vocabulary.


  • The electronic library catalog, where the researcher learns about what we acquire at the university libraries from printed and electronic sources with the possibility of retrieving the full text of e-books. https://catalog.iau.edu.sa/


  • Providing various sources of information such as references, books, and periodicals.
  • Developing research skills and providing learners with the necessary tools and resources to search for information.
  • Providing a collaborative environment to encourage interaction and collaboration among beneficiaries to exchange ideas and knowledge.
  • Developing self-education by enabling beneficiaries to manage their time, organize their cognitive efforts, and determine their educational priorities.
  • Promoting active learning by encouraging beneficiaries to actively participate in the discovery and knowledge process.
  • Organizing learning resources according to the system followed by the university's Directorate of Library Affairs (Library of Congress Classification).
  • Providing beneficiaries with printed learning resources through the automated catalog (OPAC).
  • Providing beneficiaries with electronic information sources through the portal of electronic information sources at the university.
  • Providing a training hall equipped with technical devices for the beneficiaries to use the space for discussions and group study.
  • Providing beneficiaries with an electronic reading laboratory equipped with computers for automatic search.

Services Provided

First: Lending and Cross-Lending Services:

It is a service that allows beneficiaries to borrow books according to a mechanism and a set period of time. The borrowing system in the Directorate of Library Affairs at the university allows the exchange of books between the university's libraries.

 Lending Mechanism:

  • Beneficiary data is recorded in the research and self-learning hall in the symphony system program.
  • It is allowed to borrow single books and multi-part (non-reference) books, with a maximum limit of (3) books.
  • The period of borrowing does not exceed one week for textbooks, and it is allowed to reborrow books after a week of returning them. As for non-curricular books, the period of borrowing them is two weeks, and it is allowed to reborrow them for one more week, provided that the process takes place a maximum of one day before the end of the borrowing period.
  • Beneficiaries will be charged a late fee of (1SAR) per day for a period of ten days starting from the first day a book is overdue, followed by (2SAR) per day thereafter, with a maximum total fee of (100SAR) per book for the entire overdue period.

Second: Copy Service:

This service allows beneficiaries to photocopy the printed sources for free with a limit of (30) pages of the book in order to preserve copyrights.

Third: Support and Guidance Service for Beneficiaries:

Counselling services are one of the most important services provided by the research and self-learning hall. They play a vital role in helping beneficiaries make the most of the available resources. These services vary to include the following:

  • Answering beneficiary inquiries.
  • Facilitating access to the required book through guidance on how to use the OPAC electronic catalog.
  • Assisting beneficiaries in using databases and the digital library.
  • Providing support in searching for information and electronic resources.
  • Assisting beneficiaries in dealing with the devices available in the hall.

Fourth: Electronic Reading Lab Service:

This service allows beneficiaries to use the electronic reading laboratory for automatic research, as the laboratory is equipped with computers and electronic reading tables with the provision of technical support. The laboratory is available to everyone and does not require prior reservation.

 Fifth: Training Hall Service:

The training hall is equipped with a computer and a projector screen, which enables beneficiaries to hold training courses and workshops through a pre-booking of the hall.

Sixth: Training Workshop Services:

The research and self-learning hall organizes training workshops that aim to support the process of continuous learning and development of skills. The workshops are provided periodically during the academic year to introduce the beneficiaries to the services provided by the research and self-learning hall and how to search the electronic databases and access books and references through searching the electronic catalog.

 Unit Activities

Unit Reports

Contact Us

Coordinators of the Self-Learning Hall: 38643 - 38743

Email: pl.edu.jbl@iau.edu.sa

Supporting evidence of scientific research and innovation:

Published on: 28 February 2023
Last update on: 30 December 2024
Page views: 1618